Personally performed operations (as of 2018): 1315
Total of performed visceral operations: over 14.000
The liver is the largest human organ and possesses the unique ability to regenerate. This characteristic, known already to the ancient greeks (story of Prometheus), allows repeated surgery of the liver without a permanent hypofunction.
The main responsibility of the liver inside the body is the detoxification, as well as the creation of numerous proteins, among them clotting factors, albumin and proteins used for the healing of wounds and muscle creation.
Surgery of the liver is mostly due to tumors, which either originated within the organ or (more frequently) are the result of metastatic spread, meaning cell colonies of malignant tumors of other organs.
The tools at our disposal are manifold. Furthermore, the surgeon does not work alone, but in concert with gastroenterologists, oncologists and radiologists, as well as pathologists. It may be in one or several operations, but very often the liver can be made free of tumor, even if there are many metastases on both sides.