
Personally performed operations (as of 2018): 586
Additional mutlivisceral operations resections of pelvic tumors: 265
Total of performed visceral operations: over 14.000


Surgery of the rectum are usually necessary because of the occurrence of malignant tumors. In rarer cases, circulatory disturbances and/or injuries require surgical intervention. Today, cancer of the rectum is mostly followed by a minimally invasive removal of the rectum, while creating a protected exit from the small intestine for 6 to 8 weeks. Sometimes this connection can be left out, depending on the location of the primary tumor and the new connection between colon and anus. It is important to mention that during surgery of the rectum, the so-called total mesorectal excision must be used. This is a technique, that takes into consideration the embryonic development of the rectum and mostly leads to a radical removal of the tumor and the surrounding lymph nodes. It furthermore provides the most gentle treatment of the sexual organs and the bladder.

Concerning the so-called colitis ulcerosa, a chronical disease of the colon and rectum, a complete colectomy must take place. The rectum ist replaced with a pouch made from the small intestine (so-called ileoanal J.-Pouch-creation). This special type of surgery is also often used in connection with family polyposis coli and generally speaking means a cure for the patient, as long as there is no advanced cancerous disease involved.


Possible complications

If complications occur, they mostly concern the freshly created connection between the colon and the sphincter (or the remaining part of the rectum). They occur in 5 to 8 percent of cases, but often remain without major effects, if a protected exit from the small intestine was created.