
Personally performed operations (as of 2018): 649
Total of performed visceral operations: over 14.000


Nowadays, surgery of the stomach is mostly necessary because of malignant tumors, and only rarely because of gastric ulcers. If the gastric tumor is located in the lower third of the stomach, the upper part can often be preserved (so-called subtotal gastrectomy). Larger tumors however, still call for a complete removal of the stomach. The small intestine is then connected directly to the oesophagus, bypassing the duodenum (so-called gastrectomy according to Roux-Y). Stomach-preserving operations can also be necessary when dealing with benign tumors in the stomach wall (e.g. leiomyoma, neurinoma) or semimalignant tumors, such as GIST (gastrointestinal tumor of the struma).


Possible complications

Typical complications after gastric surgery concern leakage at the new connection between oesophagus and small intestine. This can be live-threatening and result in additional surgery. Apart from that, surgery of the stomach is quite safe, because of its strong blood circulation and thick wall. Following surgery, it is normal for the patient to lose a few kilograms. It is thus important to take in frequent, small meals. A substitute of Vitamin B12, which cannot be absorbed anymore, is also required.